How do we distill your ideas ?
The first place to start is to listen. We want to hear everything about what you do and how you do it.
We put time into digging into the industry so that we can understand how you fit into the big picture.
Perhaps there may still be fuzzy areas or pieces of complexity that aren't easily explained. This is the time to identify them and bring them more clarity.
How do we interpret your information?
Time to analyze everything we've collected and identify themes, overlapping concepts, and connecting points.
At this juncture we step back and combine themes and concepts to create something new.
Simplify, simplify, simplify until we have the most effective explanation for your idea.
"The process made everyone heard and included..."
"The experience was great. Part of the complexity of the journey was our desire to bring along so many people. We knew we needed to incorporate the voices of all the people who would need to advocate and evangelize our process. The process made everyone heard and included and produced a great artifact of our shared understanding."
— Bill Udell, COO/Integrator at Don't Panic Labs
Sound interesting?
If you think you might need help distilling your ideas or want to hear more about the workshop then drop us a line below! We can schedule a free 20 minute phone consultation to see if we are a good fit.